Social Listening

Costco's value proposition is that they offer high quality at a low price, with fast and immediate access. Costco sells anything and everything you can think of, in bulk, which is handy for a lot of people who don't like to run to the store constantly. They're also known for bringing in new items in and having them sell out quickly, this prompts people to buy items without giving much thought because they either don't want to miss out on the deal, or are afraid the item won't be there the next time they come back.
Here are a few of tweets people have made about Costco.

I think it's a smart marketing move to not have signs for this reason. I think by doing so people end up buying more than they were planning on and end up seeing things that wouldn't have thought to look for.

By offering samples, you give people the opportunity to not only try it out before purchasing it, but also you bring in people who think that they are going to just go around a try samples and in turn end up at least purchasing one item. It may be an item they need, or just something they saw in passing and wanted. Anyone who has been to Costco knows that things fly in and off the shelves quickly so if you see something you like/want you better get it then because it isn't guaranteed to be there the next time you go.

This tweet stood out to me because Clayton, whether he realizes it or not, is advertising for Costco. By posting this photo you are saying that anyone and everyone shops at Costco and you should go because you could have the opportunity to run into someone famous.

I don't think that any of these tweets are bad and if I were the brand manager I either one, wouldn't have responded to any of these tweets or two, maybe commented one the first one, I hope you were able to find everything okay. On the second one, I'm glad you enjoy our samples and please don't feel pressure to purchase anything just because you want to try a sample. On the last tweet I would have commented, hope you both had a good trip and thank you for choosing Costco.

Word of mouth is huge and social media has made this so much easier for all companies and brands. I don't think Costco has to worry about much competition because of the wide variety of items that they offer. The fact that you have to be a member to shop there weens out a lot of people and from what I have seen and others have as well, is that it's much more sophisticated and the people are a lot more polite than the customers you may see at Wal-Mart or Winco.


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